Cumbria Rungwe Community Link (CRCL)
The CRCL was established in 1987 with the aim of linking two rural communities with similar, yet different ways of life.
Many people living locally know youngsters and/or leaders who have been involved at some stage with the youth exchange project 'Cumria/Rungwe Community Link'. In 2008 Lily,a medical student, and Dianne joined the jolly band to work in the local hospital and children’s disabled centre.
This centre has developed from a leprosarium which was part of the original scheme in starting the link 25 years ago so it is good to continue this connection. In 2010 she took two newly qualified physiotherapists with her which was useful experience for them and great for the children, staff and parents at the centre. If you want to find out more, please visit the CRCL website for 2008 and 2010.